Ten Mistakes Corrugated Box Manufacturers Make & Ten Solutions

Reviewed by Anurag Mishra (Sr. Technical Consultant)

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As a corrugated box manufacturer, you know that producing high-quality boxes is crucial for your business. But even with all the best intentions and efforts, mistakes can still happen in the production process. These errors not only affect the quality of your finished product but also impact customer satisfaction and ultimately your reputation. 

In this blog post, we'll explore ten common mistakes made by corrugated box manufacturers and offer solutions to help overcome them. By implementing these solutions, you can ensure better quality control. Moreover, the solutions are very simple – such as using a reliable box compression tester and achieving high-quality standards - leading to happier customers and enhanced profits for your enterprise!
Let’s look at the ten common mistakes corrugated box manufacturers often make, along with their respective solutions.

Mistake #1 Not specifying the flute direction

One of the most common mistakes made by corrugated box manufacturers is not specifying the flute direction. The flute direction refers to the orientation of the wavy portion of a corrugated sheet, which can either be vertical or horizontal.
When boxes are improperly constructed with the wrong flute direction, they may lack structural integrity and strength, leading to damage during transport and handling. This can result in increased costs for replacement products and decreased customer satisfaction.

Solution #1
To avoid this costly mistake, it's important to specify the correct flute direction based on your specific packaging needs. Consider factors such as:
√ weight distribution within the box, 
√ stacking requirements during transportation and 
√ storage conditions when determining whether a vertical or horizontal flute will be more appropriate.
Additionally, ensure that all employees involved in box production are aware of these specifications and understand their importance. By paying attention to details like proper flute orientation at every stage of production - from design to testing with a reliable box compression tester - you can ensure better quality control and achieve optimal BCT results in India!

Mistake #2 Applying too much pressure when converting

Corrugated box manufacturers sometimes make the mistake of applying too much pressure when converting, which can lead to damaged or weakened boxes. This is especially true for machines that are not properly calibrated, as they may apply more force than necessary.
The problem with excessive pressure is that it can cause the flutes in the corrugated board to compress and lose their strength. When this happens, the box becomes less able to withstand external forces like stacking or shipping. In some cases, excess pressure can even cause tears or breaks in the material itself.

Solution #2
To avoid these issues, box manufacturers should always ensure that their equipment is properly set up and maintained. This includes calibrating machinery regularly and checking for signs of wear and tear on parts like cutting blades.
It's also important for operators to be trained on proper operating procedures so that they know how much pressure is appropriate for each job. By following best practices and using quality control measures like a box compression tester, manufacturers can help ensure that their boxes are strong enough to meet customer needs while avoiding costly mistakes caused by applying too much pressure during conversion.

Mistake #3 Not allowing for proper drying time

One more common mistake that corrugated box manufacturers make is not allowing for proper drying time. This error can lead to several problems, including poor adhesion of the glue and warping or distortion of the final product.
When boxes are assembled, they require an adhesive to hold them together. However, if the glue is not given enough time to dry properly before further handling or converting processes take place, it can cause issues down the line.
Not only does inadequate drying time affect the strength and integrity of the finished box, but it also affects its appearance. If a box is warped or distorted due to insufficient drying time, it may not be suitable for display purposes.

Solution #3
To avoid this mistake, manufacturers should ensure that they allow sufficient drying time between each step of the process. This may mean adjusting production schedules or investing in equipment that speeds up drying times without compromising quality control standards.
By prioritizing proper drying techniques as part of their quality control measures, corrugated box manufacturers can produce high-quality products that meet customer expectations and stand up against industry standards.
Using a high-quality moisture meter is also important to check moisture levels of corrugated boxes.

Mistake #4 Using the wrong type of adhesive

The adhesive used in corrugated box manufacturing plays a significant role in the overall strength and durability of the final product. However, using the wrong type of adhesive can lead to weak bonds, ultimately compromising the integrity of the packaging.
One common mistake that manufacturers make is opting for cheaper adhesives to save on production costs. While it might seem like an economically sound decision initially, this choice can have long-term consequences. Inferior adhesives may not provide adequate bonding between layers or give way under pressure, leading to customer dissatisfaction and potential damage to packed goods.

Solution #4
To avoid such problems, it's crucial for manufacturers to invest in high-quality adhesives specifically designed for corrugated board applications. These specialized glues offer superior bonding strength while also maintaining flexibility during box compression tests (BCT).
Furthermore, manufacturers should consider various factors when choosing an adhesive – including its compatibility with the specific type of corrugated board being used and any unique requirements dictated by their client’s needs. By carefully selecting appropriate adhesives based on these considerations, corrugated box manufacturers can produce reliable packaging solutions that meet both quality control standards and client expectations alike.
Further, using a Peel Adhesion Tester can be very beneficial.

Mistake #5 Skimping on corrugated board quality

When it comes to corrugated box manufacturing, one of the biggest mistakes is skimping on the quality of the corrugated board. The corrugated board makes up the main structure of any box and plays a critical role in protecting whatever is inside. Cutting corners on its quality could have disastrous consequences for both manufacturers and customers.

Solution #5
Sometimes, manufacturers try to save money is by using lower-grade paper or recycled materials in their corrugated boards. While this may seem like a cost-effective strategy, it can lead to weaker boxes that are more prone to damage during shipping. It's important for manufacturers to invest in high-quality corrugated board with strong fibers and good compression strength.

Mistake #6 Not Checking Thickness

Another mistake that some manufacturers make is not paying enough attention to the thickness of their corrugated boards. A thinner board may be cheaper, but it won't provide adequate protection for heavier items or those that require extra cushioning during transport.

Solution #6
Manufacturers should consider investing in advanced and reliable testing methods and equipment such as box compression testers (BCT) which measure how much weight a box can withstand before collapsing. This data helps them determine which type of corrugated board will work best for specific products.
In summary, cutting corners on the quality of your corrugated boards can lead to costly damages and dissatisfied customers down the line. Investing in high-quality materials upfront will ultimately pay off in terms of customer satisfaction and fewer product returns due to damaged packaging during transit.

Mistake #7 Incorrectly cutting the corrugated board

One of the most common mistakes that corrugated box manufacturers make is incorrectly cutting the corrugated board. This can result in a variety of issues, including uneven edges and incorrect sizing.

Solution #7
To ensure that your boxes are properly cut, it's important to use high-quality cutting equipment and to regularly maintain and calibrate this equipment. This will help to prevent issues such as dull blades or misaligned cuts.
Another important factor to consider when cutting corrugated board is the direction of the flute. Cutting against the grain can result in weaker boxes that are more prone to collapsing under pressure. As such, it's crucial for manufacturers to specify the flute direction when ordering their materials.
Additionally, it's important for manufacturers to carefully consider the thickness of their corrugated board when making cuts. A blade that is too thick may cause tearing or other damage during cutting, while a blade that is too thin may not be able to cut through thicker materials.
By taking these factors into consideration and investing in high-quality cutting equipment and maintenance practices, manufacturers can avoid many common errors related to improperly cut corrugated board.

Mistake #8 Failing to account for humidity and temperature fluctuations

Failing to account for humidity and temperature fluctuations can be a major mistake made by corrugated box manufacturers. The reason is that changes in humidity and temperature can cause the material to expand or contract, leading to issues such as warping, cracking, and even complete failure of the packaging.
One of the main problems with failing to account for these fluctuations is that it can lead to inconsistencies in the size and shape of boxes. For example, if a box is manufactured on a day when humidity is high, it may expand after being shipped to an area with lower humidity levels.
Moreover, high temperatures can cause adhesives used in manufacturing boxes to soften or become less sticky while low temperatures can make them brittle. This makes it more difficult for boxes to maintain their structure during transit.

Solution #8
To avoid these issues, corrugated box manufacturers need to take into consideration regional weather patterns when designing their products. They also need access to testing equipment like box compression testers which help detect potential flaws before they leave the factory floor.
By taking steps like these towards quality control measures such as testing materials under different environmental conditions (including extreme ones) and using sophisticated machinery 
including best BCTs available in India will ensure consistent product quality no matter where your customer base lies.

Mistake #9 Not using the right type of printing plate

Printing plates are an essential part of the printing process and can have a significant impact on the quality of the final product. One common mistake that corrugated box manufacturers make is not using the right type of printing plate for their specific needs.
Using the wrong type of printing plate can result in poor print quality, which can detract from your brand image and decrease customer satisfaction. It is important to choose a printing plate that matches your specific requirements, such as image resolution, ink compatibility, and substrate compatibility.
For example, if you are using water-based inks, it is important to choose a printing plate that is compatible with these inks to ensure proper adhesion and color vibrancy. Similarly, if you are working with high-resolution images or fine text, you will need a printing plate that can reproduce these details accurately.

Solution #9
By investing in the right type of printing plate for your needs, you can improve print quality while also reducing waste and production costs. Be sure to work closely with your printer supplier or manufacturer to determine which type of printing plate will work best for your unique application.

Mistake #10 Not testing the final product

Last but not least, one of the costliest mistakes a corrugated box manufacturer can make is not testing the final product. In today's competitive market, quality control is crucial to success. Failing to test the final product leaves manufacturers at risk of producing subpar boxes that won't hold up during transportation or storage.

Solution #10
Testing should be conducted using a Box Compression Tester (BCT) which measures how much weight a box can withstand before collapsing. It's important to note that different industries have specific requirements for BCT results, so it's essential for manufacturers to understand their customers' needs and standards.
Regular BCT testing allows manufacturers to identify any issues with their products early on in production and address them before shipping out inferior boxes. This helps avoid costly returns or complaints.

Additionally, proper testing ensures customer satisfaction and builds trust between the manufacturer and the client. By ensuring high-quality products, clients will return time after time because they know they can rely on your company for durable packaging solutions.

To summarize, failing to test corrugated boxes puts both manufacturers and clients at risk of problems down the line. Regular BCT testing is crucial for identifying issues early on and building strong relationships with customers through reliable products.


Corrugated box manufacturers must be mindful of the potential mistakes that can occur during their production process. By taking proactive measures to address these issues, such as specifying flute direction and allowing for proper drying time, manufacturers can ensure consistent quality in their final products.
Additionally, investing in high-quality materials and equipment like a box compression tester can help identify areas for improvement and ensure customer satisfaction. By prioritizing quality control throughout the entire production process, manufacturers can establish themselves as leaders in the industry and stand out from competitors.
Ultimately, by avoiding common mistakes and focusing on producing top-quality corrugated boxes every time, manufacturers set themselves up for long-term success and growth within the market.

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