How To Test The Box Compression Strength For Packaging Manufacturers?

Reviewed by Anurag Mishra (Sr. Technical Consultant)

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The packaging material used by manufacturers must be of excellent quality. They have to ensure the quality because this material is exposed to extreme external forces. It is important to chech the durability of the boxes when subjected to force. Quality testing consists of the following factors:

  1. Compressive strength
  2. Edge crush test
  3. Bursting strength
  4. Tensile strength
  5. Moisture content test
  6. Humidity testing

Procedure of calculating compression strength

To calculate the compression strength of any box material there are some standards and an equipment required to test the same. The equipment required for a successful testing procedure is the box compression tester. The box compression tester is the most suitable equipment as it helps in calculating the box compassion strength accurately. Testronix box compression tester is the most renowned brand in the packaging indusrty and is the best option for manufactures. The instrument consists of a digital control box attached to it, pneumatic rods to move the compression plate up and down. In this test, a pre decided load is applied on the box for a set duration of time which has been set by the user according to standards. This calculation helps in ascertaining the load which can be borne by the box when stacked during transportation or storage.

Importance of box compression tester by testronix

Corrugated boxes are often stacked during the process of transportation or warehousing. This implies that the box must have the capability to bear the load for longer duration without damage. To determine these results a box compression tester is used by industry experts. A box which appears durable at first may get deformed after a period when subjected to continuous pressure. To measure the durability of this box when subjected to continuous pressure in the given period of time is the aim of the testing procedure

Compressive Strength vs Tensile Strength

Often there is uncertainty in the minds of the manufactures and they cannot decipher between the tensile strength and the box compression strength. Well, there is no way with which you can estimate compressive strength if tensile strength is known or vice-a-versa. These are two different instruments with two different principles and standards and are used to measure these parameters of compression strength and tensile strength. Compromising on any of these may further lead to compromising on the quality of material manufactured by the producers.

Both instruments manufactured by testronix provide the manufactures an upper hand and aim to provide the best quality.
For more information regarding the packaging testing instruments manufactured by testronix visit the website or contact +91-9313 140 140.

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