Test Milk Color Quality with Opaque Beverage Color Measurement

Reviewed by Anurag Mishra (Sr. Technical Consultant)

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The Milk color is an essential factor for manufacturers due to various reasons. Majorly, it needs to be, due to its role in convincing the buyer. On noticing any unusual color in the milk, buyers may conclude that there is something wrong with the quality and pick up another pouch. This situation may lead to a drop in your sales.

Furthermore, milk discoloration indicates ageing and spoilage. Milk pouches are kept in refrigerated storage for long time. During this, psychotropic bacteria which can survive pasteurization grow rapidly and spoil the beverage. Color inconsistency also points acidification and light-induced oxidation.

Therefore, it is vital to assure consistency in the Milk color. This can be easily done using an Opaque Beverage Color Measurement instrument.

Testronix brings you Portable Colorimeter – TP310It is an advanced mode color measuring device suitable for solid, liquid and powder color measurement. It complies with various CIE Standards. Equipped with standard color sensors which are accepted worldwide works around multiple channels that provide the IC platform for more stability and accurate algorithm. User-friendly operation ensures faster results with high precision. Flexible camera locating feature is installed, with illumination locating enabled. The entire testing program is based on a hi-tech software which ensures accuracy even in repeatable tests.

Automated black and white calibration facility is available in the device. Maximum wavelength of various light sources. Addition to this, it displays degree of Whiteness, Yellowness and Color Fastness. Works with 8/d Illumination/Observation system with a measurement aperture of 8 mm and 4 mm indiameter. Standardized light sources such as D-65, D-50 and LED Blue light excitation are installed for high-level measurement. Silicon photoelectric diode is fitted for detection process. With Lithium-Ion battery, the device offers 5 years long lamp life.

The device also has a TFT true color display screen for programming, setting and managing the testing operations. Device memory can store up to 20000 samples and 100 standards. Test results can be extracted from USB port.

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