Different Properties Measured with Color Measurement Instruments

Reviewed by Anurag Mishra (Sr. Technical Consultant)

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The color of any product is the core part that explains the appearance of the product apart from its size, shape, gloss that depends on the arrangement of the incident light, spectral response of the viewer and transmittance of the object along with its viewing geometry. These properties can be measured easily with the help of color measurement instruments. The major features of the products that we can measure with colorimeters or color measuring device are as follows:

  • Gloss – This feature helps to select the perfect angle of reflectance involving the reflected light. It is responsible for calculating the degree at which the reflection of the object highlights. It is considered as the superimposed part of a surface.
  • Chroma – It is the primary attribute that explains the purity, intensity of the color. It is the degree of departure of the color from 0 t0 100 % that tells neutral gray to maximum chroma respectively.
  • Haze – haze explains how much light is scattered at the glossy surface of the sample which immediately reduces the contrast of the object.
  • Orange Peel – It describes the uneven surface of the object or waviness on the surface of the sample.
  • Luster – Luster is that characteristic of a surface that reflects more on me directions as compared to other directions but does not for mirror images as the glossy surface does.
  • Hue – This property of color explains that a color is apparent to be yellow, red, green blue purple and if the color is pure white, gray or black it will not possess hue.
  • Transparency – This explains the percentage of regular transmission by means of which the object can be seen clearly.

Apart from these, numerous properties can be measured with the help of color measurement instruments. For more information, visit: www.testronixinstruments.com/

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