Calculating the Correct Cobb Sizing Value of Kraft Paper

Reviewed by Anurag Mishra (Sr. Technical Consultant)

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Kraft paper has various applications and is used in various industries due the light weight and affordability. It has applications in various industries such as Paper sack for concrete, food, substance powders, flour packs and many more. Many a times when this paper is stacked it is kept in bundles and is also subjected to extreme damp conditions with high moisture content. Due to these conditions it becomes important for manufactures to test the quality of this paper.

To test the quality of Kraft paper, Cobb value of Kraft paper should be assessed. The Cobb tester is one of the most suitable instruments manufactured which helps in calculating the cobb value. The instrument is easy to operate and user friendly and also gives accurate and precise results at all has application in all paper and packaging industries.

The testing procedure requires the user to cut a sample with circular dimensions and place the sample in the testing area. Afterward water has to be filled according to the test standards and requirements.

Then this sample has to be hung for a specified amount of time and flushed. The next steps consists of a roller being used to remove the additional water. The sample then has to weighed which will helps in calculation of the cobb value. The instrument required for the testing procedure must be precise and must adhere to standards so that the tests are successful. The instrument is an easy to operate device and does not require much technical know how.

Testronix’s Cobb Sizing Tester consists of the latest technology of the locking system, and a rugged body. The instrument also consists of a roller. The device also consists of  two water level marker cut inside the test region of 10 mm and 25 mm. the instrument follows standards such as IS 1060, and TAPPI – T441.

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