Best ECT (Edge Crush Tester) in India - Low Price, High Quality

Reviewed by Anurag Mishra (Sr. Technical Consultant)

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The most widely used standard for real performance and package strength is the Edge Crush Test (ECT). It is directly related to the box storage capacity.

What is ECT Value?

ECT measurement of compression strength on the edge of a corrugated board or box is measured with the help of Edge Crush Tester.

The ECT tester works on the principle of pressing a small part of the board on its edge. Crushing is done between two solid plates or plates directly aligned with the direction of the flute. Pressure is applied until a large load is found.

The maximum load is measured in units of kilograms per inch of load line . However, for convenience and better understanding the high end value is often reported as the ECT value.

How Is ECT Value Measured?

The edge crush test (ECT) is a reliable, widely used method in the industry to check the quality of metal boards and boxes, used for packaging products. The ECT value is a measure of the crushing of a cross section of corrugated cardboard. ECT Value determination is required to test the strength of corrugated cardboard card resistance to crushing strength.

The Testronix Edge Crush Tester test can be used to accurately measure the value of ECT. To measure the ECT value, a shortcut load is inserted into the corrugated cardboard until it collapses. After that, the amount of ECT is calculated as the maximum compression force that the object can withstand, without fail.

Testronix ECT Tester is the best quality Edge Crush Tester available in India at low price and high quality. Complies with overseas quality standards and complies with IS 70-63-2 standards.

Benefits and uses of ECT scales:

The edge crush test is very useful in testing the strength and durability of the metal box capacity. It is a measure of the direct resistance to the power of an object. Using these results and the data followed there, it is possible for manufacturers to produce boxes, packages and other products, taking into account the strength of impact and protection potential.

Bursting Test

Minimum Edge Crush Test

Maximum Load Per Carton



32 ECT

Heavy Duty


44 ECT

Heavy Duty - Double Wall


48 ECT=

It is noteworthy that here the equivalent ECT values ?? are offered as a minimum. This is because manufacturers or corrugators can use one of a variety of methods to make each type of box or metal board.

Each sample will vary slightly in overall strength. Now, it is important to know that the different formulas of a single 200 # corrugated wall will cause the value of the equivalent ECT board to vary between 32 ECT and 44 ECT. Corrugators need to understand what type of corrugated board is used, before deciding to install anything similar.

For reference, manufacturers can see that if they ship a product weighing between 25-40 pounds, then a 32 ECT box of one wall should be able to achieve its purpose.

However, if manufacturers feel that their box will face heavy handling, a 200 # carton can be a safe bet. It can fit a box with 32 or more ECTs.

In this case, the manufacturer must also perform a bursting test. This can be done easily and accurately using the Testronix Bursting Strength Tester, because the burst power exceeds the reliable level of heavy handling.
Testronix Instruments are the leading manufacturers of Edge crush Tester in India. For more help, please visit or call 9313-140-140 for more information .

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