Reviewed by Anurag Mishra (Sr. Technical Consultant)
There are many of us who have been on both manufacturing end and buying end. Such people really know how to play with the psyche of a buyer and influence their buying decision. Colour therapy is widely incorporated when a marketing campaign is launched. Psychologists relate every colour with human emotion and characteristics. Leveraging this phenomenon, many companies are targeting customer’s psychology. If right colours are chosen, customer feels connected with the product and invests money on it. Take example of consumer good, how well they are colour coded. For instance, A Vegan is always attracted by green colour and sea food lover often choose products packed in brown.
Designing of Labels
Often surveys are conducted to know the likes and dislikes of a customer about a product. Keeping the feedback in mind, new products and their packings are designed. This is the chance where label designers can rectify all the mistakes they have been doing in the past. Often companies realise that colour scheme opted by them is not clicking with the target audience or target set of buyers. Thus, labels designers invest good time in understanding customers’ demands and likes. Once label designers understand the consumer, next comes the choice of colours, where colour managers jump in. Their job is to bring out the consistency as long as product is in the market. From painting the packings to painting the cartons and other promotional materials, colour managers have a tedious job to do. Using colour measurement instruments can help a lot in making a packing look similar every time it goes out from production house.
Colour Measuring Techniques
Do you understand the difference between china rose and china pink? Probably not! Not even a colour manager knows, but his instruments does know the difference. Human perception always give conflicting observations, which varies from person to person. This is why colour measuring instruments are designed in a manner so that colours can be quantified to clear all the conflicts.
Testronix offers a wide range of colour measuring instruments that can be used indifferent industries. Textile, food, packaging, printing are some industries where these instruments act as backbone. Instruments like gloss meter, colorimeter, spectrophotometer are widely used to clear colour confusions under different lighting conditions and on different surfaces. If you are looking for colour measuring instruments with high end technology, contact our experts.