Spectral Analysis of Color in Tooth Whitening Solution

Reviewed by Anurag Mishra (Sr. Technical Consultant)

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When we talk about tooth whitening, may be the white color in the tooth is the only thing which we want to have, but many of us may not know that the color of the whitening solution itself is the main key factor which plays an important role in the whitening process. The color of the whitening solution is the first thing which the customer observes and perceive the quality and efficiency it will deliver in the tooth. Therefore, the color consistency of the whitening solution is as important as the end process color on tooth. And due to which the manufacturer generally target the product or material which can deliver the right proportion of color and hue in the end result solution.

Ordinarily, the chemicals used in Tooth Whitening Solution is either hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide, which are normally clear or white in color. In any case, both hydrogen peroxide and carbamide peroxide are not providing the required color shading on tooth as per required, it can possibly diminish the customer’s interest or losing brand reputations as well. This is a noteworthy fact, as sometimes Tooth Whitening Solution are not fundamentally produced by adding the right proportion of chemicals; moreover water makes up the biggest part of any solution and mineral stores in that water can cause a shading change when presented to peroxides and other whitening operators. Therefore, it is quite important to deliver precise color measurements at every stage of production.

It is very complex though as a very small amount of glitch can disturb the entire color property. When a solution contains more than one chemical it is bound to react more than one way. And single incorrect reaction can cause the color to change and look unappealing in the end process. Recognizing color and hues issues in Whitening Solution isn’t that simple, as the bare eye may not get on the unpretentious color changes and defects. Spectrophotometers, on the other hand, take into account the color estimation by refining these parameters to numerical information, considering exactness of the color and accuracy. Because of the affectability of spectrophotometric instrumentation, even the most inconspicuous shading and dimness contrasts can be identified, including those which are ordinarily concealed by the human eye. In that capacity, spectrophotometric innovation gives you exceptional knowledge into item conduct and the capacity to distinguish undesirable varieties early, helping you pinpoint any issues with follow components in your answer, inaccurate plan, or mistaken preparing.

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