Purpose and Methods of Color Analysis

Reviewed by Anurag Mishra (Sr. Technical Consultant)

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The color analysis is a method that is used for evaluation of an unknown sample with reference to the known colors. It is basically a technique of evaluation by comparing a sample with a standard color. The analysis is used in a variety of industries to test the quality of the products, processes, and raw materials. It is also used to analyze the transparency of the samples as well. Here are some uses of chromatic analysis in industries. Nowadays, with the presence of modern color measuring instruments, the analysis of products has become very easy and precise.

Apparent vs. True Color

With proper chromatic analysis, one can easily differentiate between the apparent and actual color of the samples. For example, in a liquid, the suspended particles can cause scattering of light which further results in the alteration of its real appearance.

Measuring Methods

  • Platinum-Cobalt Solution Method-This method is used for the visual analysis of the sample by matching the sample with the glass slides calibrated to the standards.
  • Spectrophotometry-In the modern day industry, the best and most accurate method of color analysis is the method of spectrophotometry using different color measuring devices. These devices yield the best analysis and help the manufacturers in ensuring the best quality of the products. These devices are used for analyzing samples with complex components of colors.


The color measurement instruments offered by Testronix are best for accurate analysis of samples and products in industries. With a broad range of portable and easy to operate instruments, Testronix can provide you the best color measuring solutions for your industry.

Color Analysis of Different Products

For the visual as well as automated color measurement of the products, it is necessary to make use of color measuring devices to ascertain the reflectance range & transmittance of the products. These instruments are used to measure the color quality of every form of material whether it is in liquid state, solid or powder state. The accuracy and reliability of the test results can be assured by using high-quality color measuring devices from reputed manufacturers.

  • Color Analysis of Liquids


Liquids can be translucent, opaque or transparent hence requires different color measurement for high-end and color evaluation. Testronix offers TP 310 as a best liquid color measuring solutions to ensure the consistency and color measurement of every sample, every time.

  • Color Analysis of Solids

Color has a major effect on the perceptual quality of the product and thus, plays a significant role in affecting the buying behavior of the customers. For objective color analysis of solid products multi-angle spectrophotometers are used that simulate different angles and lighting condition. For visual assessment of colors and to see what the product will look like under different lighting conditions and in controlled environment Testronix Color Measuring Devices offers premium quality options.

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