Colour Measurement Techniques for Whisky

Reviewed by Anurag Mishra (Sr. Technical Consultant)

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It is an amazing fact that food processor and manufacturers bank a lot upon the colour of the products, be it food or beverage. Customer finds a connection with the colour of the product that prompts their conscience to buy it. Colour has the capability to retain the brand’s identity and integrity.

In this post, we will discuss the effect of colour on the buyers’ perception and how this psychology can be leveraged to hold the market.

Beverage industry struggles a lot to deal with the colour consistency. Due to the ageing process in whiskies, there is a possibility of colour difference that may raise a question about its quality and adulteration. To make them appear steady it is important to use reliable colour measurement technique. Transmission spectroscopy helps the whisky producers to keep a tab on the appearance. There are many factors that impact on the appearance of the colour. This is why it is important to have instrumentation assistance for best results.

Measurement of Colour

This might sound weird to some, but there are some instruments available that can quantify the colours and present it in numerical form. Spectrophotometer works on the principle of quantitative measurement of the reflection or transmission properties of a material as a function of wavelength. The devices are capable of capturing the image of master and compare it with subsequent samples. The observer can adjust the tolerance level that can declare the sample as ‘matched’ and ‘not matched’.

To get the right observations, it is vital to have a system that can deliver repeatable results. If the observations are varying too much this means, the instrument is not reliable for the beverage colour measurement. Or, the observing conditions are not appropriate. So right instrument selection is important.

Testronix’s Portable Spectrophotometer

Testronix is the leading manufacturer and supplier of beverage colour measurement instruments like a colourimeter, spectrophotometer and gloss meter. The instruments are equipped with the smart process to quantify the colour values into numerical format. It comprises of a light source and a sensor to detect the light reflected back by the surface. The values are obtained in L*ab format. It comes with a one-button operation and has touch screen panel to read and record the values. The device is designed ergonomically with portable nature. It has 45/0 geometrical optics structure.

If you are still confused about your decision, talk to our experts today.

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