How to Explore the Colour Composition of Beverages?

Reviewed by Anurag Mishra (Sr. Technical Consultant)

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Soft drinks are loved by everyone, be it kids or adults. In fact, now has become a major part of our consumption. Other beverages like energy drinks, fruit juices, electrolyte water, etc. are part of our routine consumption. If you talk with industry insiders you would get to know how manufacturers are conscious about the colour, haze and other visual properties of a drink, in fact, there is an obsession regarding the appearance of the drink. Because the appearance of the drink entices the buyers to take it home.

Colour measurement of beverages is done at different levels of the processing. This measurement reveals about other aspects of the drink like haze. Portable spectrophotometers have been an important part of the quality check department of the beverage industry. Colour measurement is a major requirement of F&B industry to achieve the colour consistency and appearance consistency of the consumables.

Importance of Colour in Beverage Industry

Colour of beverages is an important element to trigger the sensory requirements of the consumers. Eating and drinking pattern of a person largely depends on his colour choices, if the consumable item is not appealing to eyes, there are fewer chances of it’s being picked up from the food stores. Nowadays, customers are looking for drinks that are made up of natural ingredients. Thus, natural looking colours attract more buyers than artificially bright colours and unnatural colours. Thus, it is becoming essential for manufacturers to keep a tab on the colour composition of the drinks.

Testronix offers a wide range of colour measurement solutions. The portable models of spectrophotometers are widely used in F&B industries to measure the colour of liquids very precisely. TP 800 and TP 810 are two models that are widely accepted in this industry. Due to their portable nature, their use is not restricted to labs only, they can be taken to the manufacturing unit, recipe rooms, processing rooms for instant measurements. They can be efficiently used for matching the master with the sample. In addition, these colour measuring devices are manufactured in accordance with ASTM, AATCC, CNS and CIE standards.

Working Principle of Spectrophotometer

Both TP 800 and 810 works on the principle of spectroscopy with an appropriate measurement procedure. It captures the light absorbed by different liquids.

These portable spectrophotometers work by separating the illumination of the light in accordance with different wavelengths. The instruments are equipped with multiple sensors to observe the wavelengths and analyse the colour.

Use of Spectrophotometers is not limited to the beverage industry. Just contact our experts to know these instruments can help your industry.

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