Choosing the Right Colour for Paper and Printing Colour Measurement

Reviewed by Anurag Mishra (Sr. Technical Consultant)

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Colours is one major factor that impacts the buying decision of the customers, especially in the packaging industry. It is very important that a customer could relate his needs to the products he is going to buy. But as they always say, excess of everything is bad. This is why wise colour selection is very important. Paper and Printing Colour Measurement is, nowadays, an important checkpoint in quality check labs. Devices like spectrophotometer, colour matching cabinets are a common sight in QC and R&D labs.

Packings are strategically coloured and play a crucial role in making or breaking a product’s market. Let’s understand how different colours are used to suit the psychology of the consumer.

Black Colour

Black is the colour of dominance and power. It represents authority. If you are manufacturing something that gives mental strength or physical strength to the consumer, black colours are used. Being a powerful colour, it has to be used very wisely. Apart from being strong, black sometimes represents negativity. Therefore, packing should be designed consciously when black colour is being used.

White Colour

White is the colour of peace and trust. If a manufacturer wants to depict something on which consumer can rely, white colour is used. Most of the daily care products are packed in white primary packings to build a trust factor on the product. White packings are absolutely blank. It has a large scope of conveying important messages that require the spotlight.

Green Colour

Green is the colour of nature and used widely in food products or something that is eco-friendly. If the product is made from natural ingredients or product can be efficiently recycled without harming the nature, the green colour is preferred. Apart from this, green is a universal colour and gives a soothing effect to the eyes.

Red Colour

Red is the colour of love and hunger. You must have noticed that many of the big food chains are using red colour massively. But getting the red colour in the right manner is very difficult. Replicating the brand in this colour takes a lot of hard work, but the results are pleasant.

Use of smart portable spectrophotometers and other Paper and Printing Colour Measurement help a lot in fulfilling the colour quantification requirements. Check out the Testronix’s wide range of colour measurement instruments to choose the best tool for your industry.

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