Achieving Colour Coherence in Automobile Interiors

Reviewed by Anurag Mishra (Sr. Technical Consultant)

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The craze of the automobile is escalating at exponential speed. Due to which this industry is evolving rapidly and offering high-end technology, great performance, safety gears etc. But what’s most catching the attention is the amazing interiors. This is the first thing that catches our attention and our buying decision depends largely on the appearance, be it internal or external.

Car interiors, nowadays, are very much in focus and has become a new channel for attracting new buyers. It is another way of beating the competitors. However, colour matching of interiors was never a major consideration. But if a buyer finds something mismatched, it immediately gets noticed. This is why manufacturers are now keeping a close check on colour harmony. Inconsistency in the colour of the interior completely kills the aesthetic approach of the car.

Another reason for colour matching is multiple suppliers of parts. It is a well-known fact that parts of automobiles are procured from different vendors and assembled at one common plant. Every vendor should be aware of colour that is to use so that things at different plant work on the same platform.

Colour Matching Challenge

Use of colour matching instruments like Portable Spectrophotometer is now becoming widespread to eliminate any risk of colour disparity. Even the slightest of the disparity may lead to the rejection of the whole container. This loss is severe for both the manufacturer and vendor. Not only monetary, but the loss of time and reputation is also something to look out for. A car interior consists of hundreds of small parts that must appear synchronised aesthetically. Due to the difference in perception and lighting conditions at different plants, there is a special need to use smart colour measuring tools that can quantify the colours. Another factor that contributes to the discrepancy is the difference in the surface of the part. There will be the difference in the colour of the fibre part, textile parts, metal parts, etc. due to the difference in the surface.

Colour matching instruments

There are many instruments available to check the colour difference in the parts of the car interiors. Some of them are used for matching the colour of the surface while many of them are used for the matching of the glossiness of the surface. Portable Spectrophotometer and Gloss Meter are two major instruments are used for measuring, matching and quantifying colours. Testronix is the premier manufacturer and supplier of colour measuring instruments.

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