Visual Perception of Colour in Textiles

Reviewed by Anurag Mishra (Sr. Technical Consultant)

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Colour can be defined as the parts of visible spectrum reflected by the object. Also, there are many other factors that contribute in appearance or perception of the colour. For instance, fuchsia can be soothing to some people while to others it is striking in the eyes. Thus, it can be stated that mood also plays a significant role. Scientifically, the colour can be viewed in two modes;

Illuminant Mode : If the stimulus is directly being generated by the light source, it can be called as illumination by the light source.

Object Mode : If the stimulus is directly being generated by the object surface, it can be called as illumination by the object.

In the textile industry, colour perception is one of the most important factors that impact the appearance of the piece. Thus, there are lot of factors to be considered during the production process in a textile industry. The pattern of fabric, the state in which sample is kept for testing, type of raw material of fabric etc. also affect the textile colour matching.

Crosshatch pattern of swatch : Fabrics like denim have cross hatch pattern. In such cases, it is advised to take repeated measurements at different angles so that colour of threads can be captured from all directions. The average of all readings can be taken to get the one value.

When the fabric is layered : when the colour of a thin fabric is measured, background colour interferes with the results. Therefore, it is advised to multi-layer the fabric, so that interference from any external colour can be controlled.

When the fabric is stretched : Some fabrics have the tendency to get stretched very easily. If the fabric is too much stretched, it might capture the colour from the background and the results generate would be inaccurate. Therefore, the sample is to be placed on the skein in the relaxed position.

Colour of Yarn : Measuring the colour of the yarn is certainly a difficult task. The tightness of the yarn when the colour observations are being taken important. Some Spectrophotometers come with curved attachments to hold the yarn.

Testronix offers a wide range of textile colour matching instruments that measure the colour and other parameters like a gloss meter. And with measurement, we mean actual quantification of colour into numerical values.

. Thus, it can be stated that mood also plays a significant role. Scientifically, the colour can be viewed in two modes;

Illuminant Mode : If the stimulus is directly being generated by the light source, it can be called as illumination by the light source.

Object Mode : If the stimulus is directly being generated by the object surface, it can be called as illumination by the object.

In the textile industry, colour perception is one of the most important factors that impact the appearance of the piece. Thus, there are lot of factors to be considered during the production process in a textile industry. The pattern of fabric, the state in which sample is kept for testing, type of raw material of fabric etc. also affect the textile colour matching.

Crosshatch pattern of swatch : Fabrics like denim have cross hatch pattern. In such cases, it is advised to take repeated measurements at different angles so that colour of threads can be captured from all directions. The average of all readings can be taken to get the one value.

When the fabric is layered : when the colour of a thin fabric is measured, background colour interferes with the results. Therefore, it is advised to multi-layer the fabric, so that interference from any external colour can be controlled.

When the fabric is stretched : Some fabrics have the tendency to get stretched very easily. If the fabric is too much stretched, it might capture the colour from the background and the results generate would be inaccurate. Therefore, the sample is to be placed on the skein in the relaxed position.

Colour of Yarn : Measuring the colour of the yarn is certainly a difficult task. The tightness of the yarn when the colour observations are being taken important. Some Spectrophotometers come with curved attachments to hold the yarn.

Testronix offers a wide range of textile colour matching instruments that measure the colour and other parameters like a gloss meter. And with measurement, we mean actual quantification of colour into numerical values.

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