Measure the Expected Life of Coating with Coating Thickness Ferrous Gauge Tester

Reviewed by Anurag Mishra (Sr. Technical Consultant)

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When you work in the manufacturing industry, then the importance of coating thickness will get increased. This is because it plays an important role in product quality, process control as well as cost control. Thus, you can easily measure the thickness of coatings with the help of the coating thickness ferrous gauge tester from Testronix. This amazing instrument will help in maintaining the quality, production as well as the effectiveness of the material. It is very important for you to understand this lab testing equipment so that it will be easy for you to operate that device.

Here in this blog, we are going to discuss how this amazing testing instrument will help you by measuring the coating thickness of materials. This will ease your operation and you will be able to calculate the result precisely. So, let us get started with it.

How does Coating Thickness Ferrous Gauge Tester help to measure the coating thickness?

If you want to know the life of coating then we suggest you make use of this amazing testing instrument. This instrument not only helps to measure the thickness of the non-magnetic coating on ferrous substrates but also helps you to determine the product quality. There are many factors that play a role in determining the measurement. It includes thickness, type of coating, the substrate material, size as well as the shape of the part of which you will measure the coating thickness.

Many industrialists make use of destructive as well as non-destructive methods to measure the thickness of materials. The magnetic film gauges are used to measure the thickness of the non-magnetic coating on ferrous materials. Thus, it can easily be used to measure the coatings on steel and iron. Also, the magnetic gauges will make use of two principles while working. It includes the pull of magnetic and electromagnetic induction. It is a fact that the thinner coatings will have a strong magnetic attraction, while the thicker ones have a less magnetic attraction. Thus, you can effectively make use of the coating thickness ferrous gauge tester to test the thickness of coatings.

Whenever you select this coating thickness tester, then we suggest you check how accurate the device is. At testronix, we promise to deliver the best quality lab testing equipment that will help you to easily test the materials to enhance your production quality. Our equipment is made of high quality and will help to produce accurate results while testing.


Here in this blog, we have provided you information about how coating thickness ferrous gauge tester will help to measure the thickness of coatings. This lab testing instrument from Testronix is based on Eddy's current measurement method and provides you accurate thickness range with flexible lead measuring probes. Thus, you can easily rely on our lab testing instruments while testing the quality of your products. If you get any query then we suggest you consult with us through call or email. We will assist you in every possible way.

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