How to Measure Synthetic Colour Additives?

Reviewed by Anurag Mishra (Sr. Technical Consultant)

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The craze for coloured drinks is rising at an exponential speed. They are usually added with colour additives to make them enticing for the consumers. The color of drinks impacts the perception and analyse its taste. Be it a natural drink or color added drink, they tend to have a certain color to play with the psychology of the consumer. The usage of additive is highly regulated in different applications. Whether they are used for pre-processed packed drinks or over the counter drinks, the use of colour is regulated and controlled.

To keep the things under control at production end it is important to take the support of color measuring devices, that could measure the color.

Certainly, these instruments cannot calculate the quantity of additives added. But with master and sample comparison, color managers can keep a tab on their color recipe.

Synthetic Colours in The Drinks

Synthetic drinks are made to look attractive by using synthetic colors. Some colors are certainly impossible to extract from natural ingredients. Synthetic colors are more vibrant and available in variety. But excessive usage is synthetic products is not advisable, as they give more of a deceptive appearance to the drink. Every food manufacturer uses a certain amount of artificial colour to achieve the consistency in the products. To achieve that consistency liquid color measuring devices can be used so that a balanced approach can be adopted.

Synthetic Color Measuring Devices

Drops, powder and paste, synthetic colours are available in different forms. Thus, to make the accurate measurements, it is very important that your device can quantify color in different forms. Spectrophotometers and colorimeters are used to assure the color in different forms, be it opaque, transparent or translucent.

Color measuring devices offered by Testronix are capable of measuring the transmittance and reflectance of the colours and offers cost-effective solutions for the manufacturers to formulate the colors in beverages, food products, and other consumables. A portable spectrophotometer is a device which is widely used for liquid color measurement.

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