How to Get Best Textile Colour Measurement Results

Reviewed by Anurag Mishra (Sr. Technical Consultant)

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In the textile industry, a fabric has to undergo various types of testing before it qualifies for trial. A sample is tested for its colour, thickness, strength and many other factors. And not only once, repeated tests are performed on the swatch to be assured about picking the right quality of the fabric. For colour assessment, different textile colour measurement instruments are used. Many of them are now equipped with memories to keep a track record of the events and the observations. During this whole process, it is very important to consider the conditioning of the sample that might affect the observations.

In this post, we would highlight some factors that could contribute to making a difference in the observations.

Thickness of the sample

How a fabric is woven can impact on its colour appearance. Also, the sample sometimes has two to four layers of knotting. The denser or thicker a fabric is, the opaquer it will and thus impact the amount of light it allows to pass through it. If a swatch is thin, it will allow the light in the background to interfere with the observations. Thus, observing conditions should be kept in consideration while preparing an observation report and based on these conditions, the tolerance level should be altered.

Position of sample

You must have noticed that in most of the colour matching cabinets, there is a plant of certain height and angle. This plank allows the right position of the sample so that other lighting factors cannot hinder in the observation. The position of the sample plays a crucial role on the dyeing floor. Dyers use textile colour measuring instruments at different stages of dyeing to make sure there is no discrepancy in the end result.

For getting reliable results, it is very important to develop an optimum procedure that can work in different conditions. This procedure is designed keeping the future aspects in mind and different testing conditions. To decrease the variation in the test results it is very important that a globally accepted standard should be followed. This gives accurate and repeatable results and helps in saving time and efforts of performing the same test repeatedly.

Testronix is the leading manufacturer and supplier of textile colour measuring instruments. The instruments are designed with high-end technology and ergonomic design. Contact the experts today to know more about its suitability in your industry.

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