Check Gloss of Magazine Using Standardised Equipment

Reviewed by Anurag Mishra (Sr. Technical Consultant)

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Consumer magazines are everyday media commodities, found everywhere to retail settings of urban environments around the developed world. Magazines communicate popular culture and encircle it in the form of cultural commodity. It is considered both as objects and signs. Consumer magazines texts show a heavy emphasis on photography, color, illustration, visuality and a general reliance on the aesthetic. Magazines are colorful and glossy, represents pleasure and relaxation rather than seriousness. The smell and feel of the glossy paper denote luxury. Extremely iconic, stylised and carefully designed front covers along with an emphasis on color, illustration, photography and sensual tactility all through the magazine are key characteristics of the medium. Gloss Meter – Digital is the testing instrument to measure the gloss of papers, plastics, the brightness of paints etc.

Glossy paper is the doctrine of smoothness that finds microscopic materiality. There are two types of paper used in mass printing i.e. coated or glossy and uncoated or matte. Most magazines are printed on lightweight versions of coated paper and the covers are printed on heavier one which is more expensive, glossier paper stock. Gloss is measured with respect to its ability to reflect rays of light. The coating enhances ink holdout and the visual impact of the image. Glossy papers are chosen for technical reasons to achieve a high visual impact with respect to image reproduction and color. Glossy paper creates a sense of luxury and quality which is absent from uncoated papers. Light is the main element in the mechanics of gloss, both in its operations in illumination and reflectivity and in terms of the mediation of light in color. Gloss Meter Supplier all over the world ensures that the instrument to measure gloss adheres to national and international standards.

Gloss is an aspect of the visual perception of objects that is important as color when considering the psychological impact of products on a consumer. The gloss of a surface is affected by a number of factors such as the smoothness achieved at the time polishing, the amount and type of coating applied. Manufactures create the products to get maximum appeal like gloss magazine covers, black designer furniture etc. It can be used to measure the quality of a surface such as a drop in the gloss of a coated surface shows a problem with its cure. It leads to various other failures like poor adhesion or lack of protection for the coated surface.

Presto offers Gloss meter-Triangle to measure the gloss of a surface of the material from three angles. They are 20 degrees, 60 degrees and 85 degrees. It helps to measure the correlation between glosses and shine when the sample is placed flat.

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