Adding Accuracy in Wall Painting Lead to More Customers

Reviewed by Anurag Mishra (Sr. Technical Consultant)

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Matching the color has been a long culture seen in a paint shop. Earlier days, the things were not that technical. There were loads of printed color swatches and the clients and the painters used to match their coated sample with the swatch and set a pattern for painting the wall. They then take the paint can and run to your house to paint walls. The wall texture also has an impact on the color and then is the lighting conditions. After overcoming so many hurdles, final the paint is done, but it is no more the pink shade chosen, it is entirely different. Looks like red in night and milky pink in day.

So why this happened, first of all metamerism, yes. This particular things is all about color shades looking different in distinct light sources. It is possible that the wall color looks different in night and different in morning or any other time of the day. Secondly, the issue is of visual inspection while choosing the color. Human brain is not that sharp that it can resolve the issue of metamerism of it can match the color in detailed define way.

Therefore, we need a spectrophotometer which quantizes the color better then human eye inspection. The device offers high level of color inspection and can detect a color code into its granular form. This type of detailing can only be found here. The device is equipped with an 8 mm aperture which is placed over the test specimen.

The device is also good in detecting yellowness and whiteness of objects. The painted material when in solid form can be tested by just placing the device over it but to use it on liquid paint one has to use universal test component. The component is a part of the color measurement accessory.

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