Test Whiteness of Paper using TP 800 Spectrophotometer

Reviewed by Anurag Mishra (Sr. Technical Consultant)

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The whiteness of paper is important to evaluate the print quality of the paper. It affects how a printed image will appear on the same. For instance, brighter paper delivers more contrast and a wider spectrum. 

This can be calculated by inspecting how much white light is getting reflected from the paper surface. Papers are often categorized by their whiteness shade or percentage. Therefore, Paper Manufacturer must assure that the paper produces is matching the whiteness requirement as well. Paper Whiteness is measured by conducting a D65 Illumination Whiteness Test and a device which is designed as per the ASTM E313 test standard. ASTM E313 is a standard test method used to calculate the whiteness in the paper.

TP 800 Spectrophotometer is hi-tech programmed equipment designed for accurate color measurement. Suitable for solid material color inspection. Can calculate color indices such as white, black, dark shaded, light or bright shades. Majorly used for reflectance measurement application and is considered best for resolving metamerism. Complies with CIE, CNS, ASTM E313, AATCC, and ASTM D1925 Standards.

Equipped with a fully automated touchscreen programmer. Uses a visible spectrum of 400~700 nm Reflectance curve for color measurement. Have a large Integrating sphere for efficient homogenization of light ray. Uses 45/0 degree optical angle for color detection. Extremely huge memory space which can store more than 10000 test data. Silicon photodiode array sensor installed to deliver higher accuracy in readings. Have total 18 illuminant sources including D65 illumination required for the testing whiteness of the paper.

The graphical format of a spectral value, the color difference value (or in graphical format), pass or fail criteria, color simulation concepts etc. can be viewed on the program screen with details. 5 years of lamp life assured. USB portal provided for downloading test data.

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