Importance of testing the tearing strength of plastic films

Reviewed by Anurag Mishra (Sr. Technical Consultant)

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Plastic films are used in a variety of applications, from food packaging to building construction and in electric fabrications. Testing the tearing strength of these films is of utmost importance in determining their quality during performance and durability. Tearing strength is a measure of a material's resistance to tearing or ruptures under applied stress. To make it easy for packaging manufacturers to conduct tearing strength test on plastic films, we at Testronix has designed a high-quality tearing strength tester.

This is one of the high-quality lab testing equipment that is used to determine the tearing ability of plastic films when tensile force will be applied to them. In this blog, we are going to provide you with brief information about the Testronix tearing strength tester and why it is important to test the tearing strength of plastic films. But before that, let us focus on the use of plastic films in the packaging industry.

Use of plastic films in the packaging industry

Plastic films play a crucial role in the packaging industry. It is used to make bags, pouches, wrappers, and more. It is strong and lightweight, which makes it perfect for protecting products. Besides this, its moisture-resistant properties will make it the ideal choice for the packaging industry.

Testing the tearing strength of the plastic film is important for quality control and product development. This test can help identify potential issues with the material before it goes into production. It can also be used to compare different types of plastic film or evaluate changes in material properties over time.

Manufacturers of plastic films must conduct an Elmendorf tear test to test the quality of their films before delivering them to the customers. No matter which method is used, accurate results depend on proper specimen preparation and careful testing procedures. With the right equipment like Testronix tearing strength tester, one can easily test the durability of plastic films against tearing.

What is the tearing strength of plastic films?

The tearing strength of these films is an important property that needs to be tested in order to ensure that the product will not get damaged when tearing force will be applied to it. There are several methods that can be used to test the tearing strength of plastic films. But by conducting the Elmendorf tear test, one can easily ensure that quality products will be delivered to the customers. The results of these tests can vary depending on the type of film being tested, as well as its thickness and width.

It is a fact that thicker films will have a higher tearing strength than thinner films. The tearing strength of a plastic film is an important property that needs to be considered when selecting a film for your application. Thus, testing your plastic films with the help of Testronix tearing strength tester will help you to avoid heavy damage caused during rough handling.

Now, let us discuss brief information about Testronix tearing strength tester.

Introduction about Testronix tearing strength tester

In the plastic film manufacturing firm, it is important for the manufacturers to conduct tearing strength tests on the materials, so that quality products will be delivered. Testronix being the top leading manufacturer of quality testing instruments has designed one of the high-quality testing equipment known as the tearing strength tester panorama.

This high-quality lab testing equipment will accurately test the durability of thermoplastic films against tearing and ensure that quality products will be delivered. Products like fabrics and thermoplastic films can easily be tested for their tearing ability with the help of this quality lab testing equipment.

It has been made in accordance with industrial standards that includes ASTM D1424 – 09(2013)1, ASTM D624 – 00(2012), ASTM D1776, and ASTM D689. Besides this, it has been embedded with high-quality features like a rugged structure, touch screen, and strong gripping fixtures to hold the test samples firmly.

You can read more about the importance of a tearing strength tester and ensure that your products must be accurately tested with the help of this quality testing equipment.

Now, let us focus on the benefits of using Testronix tearing strength testing equipment.

Benefits of using Testronix tearing strength tester

Testronix has designed a tearing strength testing instrument with a highly rugged structure to ensure that customers can use it for the longest time. This lab testing equipment consists of a falling pendulum to cover various measuring ranges.

It comes with pneumatic clamping and works on auto release mechanism to conduct a tearing strength test. Below we have listed the benefits of using this highly advanced lab testing equipment.

  • By conducting a tearing strength test with the help of Testronix tearing strength tester, one can easily calculate the tearing force product can bear without getting ruptured. It consists of a falling pendulum that can cover various measuring ranges.

  • With the use of Testronix tearing strength tester, one can get accurate testing results under multiple pendulum weights.

  • The panorama model of the Testronix tearing strength tester is a touchscreen model that provides the ease to the customers to operate the machine easily.

  • It comes with inbuilt calibration weights and users can accurately view the tearing strength, tear per ply, and average tearing strength of the specimen.

  • Besides this, it has computerized software inbuilt into it.

  • Users can easily generate graphical test reports and get accurate test results with the use of this quality testing instrument.

These are some of the amazing benefits users will get when they use Testronix tearing strength tester. If you are working in the fabric or plastic film manufacturing industry, then you can test the quality of your products with the help of our tearing strength tester. To know more about this testing equipment like tearing tester price,  or features and technical specifications, give us a call at +919313140140 or email us at Our team of technical experts will surely assist you regarding your needs and requirements.

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