Liquid Color Measurement

ISO-9001:2015 Certified Company

Color Measurement Solutions for Liquids

Right from the glycol acids to that of aromatic solvents, liquid chemicals can be translucent in nature, opaque or transparent that requires different measurement instrumentation and techniques for highly accurate and successful Liquids color measurement. Testronix offers the best solutions in the form of color measurement instruments and software to handle the sample fixtures that ensure the accuracy and consistency in measuring the colors for each and every sample, every time you use it.

Opaque Liquids

Opaque liquids are dense by light and are measured with the viewing angle of 45°/0° reflectance geometry. This is the viewing angle that closely matches that how the human eye sees these colors.

Translucent Liquids

Translucent liquids permit the passage of light, but it only diffuses, so that substances on the other side cannot be clearly distinguished. Both transmittance and reflectance measurement modes may work well depending on the translucency of the sample. This can be done efficiently with the high quality of spectrophotometers that are provided by the Testronix. The reflectance property of the translucent liquids can be measured with the help of spectrophotometers having the viewing angle of 45°/0°.

Transparent Liquids

These types of liquids permit the light to pass through without any distortion or interruption so that the objects on another side can be seen clearly. These liquids can only be measured easily with the help of transmission instruments.